• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-11-2020
  • Read count 311
  • Date of publication 29-10-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages66-67

The article considers one of the most pressing problems of pumping stations in the irrigation system today, their blurring of the bottom of the water intake (avancamera and water intake chambers), analyzes the existing proposals, designs and technical solutions and their advantages and disadvantages. Given the above advantages and disadvantages, a new design has been proposed for the treatment of water intake structures from turbid sediments with minimal energy and capital expenditures, very cheap and simple to operate and reliable.

Name of reference
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2 2. Мухаммадиев М.М., Уришев Б.У. Энергоэффективные технологии при эксплуатации насосных станций. – Т.: ТашГТУ, 2012. – 114 с.
3 3. Патент Ўз. Рес. FAP 00938. Сув қабул қилиш иншооти / Мухаммадиев М.М., Уришев Б.У., Жураев С.Р.// Расмий ахборотнома. -2014, - №8.