Ushbu maqolada umumiy  ta'lim  tizimining  ajralmas  qismi  bo'lgan  xorijiy 
tillarni  o'qitish  metodikasi,  ushbu  tizim  rivojlanishining  asosiy  tendensiyalari  va  chet  tilini 
o'qitishda kommunikativ uslubning o'rni yoritib berilgan. 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-12-2020
  • Read count 47
  • Date of publication 07-12-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages325-328

This article highlights of the methods teaching foreign languages, an integral part 
of the general education system, submits to the main trends in the development of this system and 
the role of the communicative method in teaching foreign language.


В  данной  статье  освещено  методика  преподавание  иностранных 
языков,  составной  частью  общей  системы  образования,  подчиняется  основным 
тенденциям  развития  этой  системы  и    роль  коммуникативная  методика  в  обучения 
иностранному языку. 


Ushbu maqolada umumiy  ta'lim  tizimining  ajralmas  qismi  bo'lgan  xorijiy 
tillarni  o'qitish  metodikasi,  ushbu  tizim  rivojlanishining  asosiy  tendensiyalari  va  chet  tilini 
o'qitishda kommunikativ uslubning o'rni yoritib berilgan. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Zakirova S.I.
Name of reference
1 The choice of teaching methods in high school. / Y.K.Babansky. - M.: Pedagogy, 1981. – P.35.
2 Kolker Y.M. Practical methods of teaching a foreign language - M., 2000. –P.54.
3 Communicativeness of learning - into the practice of the school, edited by E. I. Passov, M. 1985. –P.127.
4 Passov EI. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. - M., 1985. - P .208.
5 Rakhmanina M. B. Typology of foreign language teaching methods. - M., 1998. –P.79.