Ушбу мақолада Аҳмад Заки Валидийнинг имлий мероси, Абу Райхон
Берунийнинг диний, дунёвий, табиий ва илмий-фалсафий қарашлари Заки Валидийнинг
фалсафий дунёқарашини шакллантиришдаги аҳамияти таҳлил қилинган.
Данная статья посвящена научное наследие Заки Валиди, религиозная,
светская, естественная и научная философия Абу Райхана Беруни игравшию важную роль
в формировании философские мысли Валиди.Анализ научно философские наследии Абу
Райхана Берунии, Ахмадом Заки Валиди.
this article is devoted to the scientific heritage of Zaki walidi, religious, secular,
natural and scientific philosophy of Abu Rayhan Beruni played an important role in the formation
of philosophical thoughts of walidi.A philosophical analysis of the scientific heritage of Abu Rayhan
Beruniy, Ahmad Zaki Validi.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Khudzhaev M. . |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | Al-Biruni ve hareketi arz // Ibid. 1954. S.90-94. |
2 | Karimov. I.A. YUksak ma’naviyat-engilmas kuch.–Toshkent: Ma’naviyat.2008.–B.160. |
3 | Prof. Zeki Velidi Togan. Biruni // Ibid. 1943. S.635-645. |
4 | Samou E.Bu jumlani “Bestdes, the rota tion of the earth does in no way impair the value of astronomy, as al appearances of anastronomic character can guite as wtll be explaide according to this theory as to the other. There however, other reasons whieh make it impossible” tarzida etgan bo‘lsa ham bu erdagi faqat “difficulty” ma’nosida keladi. (M.Ganju). |
5 | “Al-Qonun al-Mas’udiy” Valiyiddin afandi nusxasi. №2277, 175-bet. Prof. M.Ganju fikricha, “bo‘ronlatirilmasi”. |
6 | Abu Said al-Sijziy uchun qarang: Brokelman. Gal. 1-jild, 219-388-389-betlar. |
7 | Ibn Sino. Ajvibat asira masalal. Prof. Xilmi Ziyo Ulkan nashri. 195311-16-20-betlar. Falak emas, er aylanayotganligi “Pifagorning ba’zi talabalarining fikri” tarzida Ibn Sinoga ma’lum bo‘lsa-da, (Javob al-SHayx al-Ris ala-sual Abu Husayn Ahmad al-Sahiy an illat qiyom al-ard vasat al-samo. Muhyiddin Sabri al-Kurdiyning Qohira nashri, Jomi al- Sadayi, 163-bet) Arastuni yaxshi ko‘rgan ibn Sino bu masalaga Beruniy berganchalik ahamiyat bermaydi, harakatsiz erning samo o‘rtasida qanday osilib turishini isbotlashga ahamiyat beradi. |