The research deals with the tractor rear mounting unit, which is the main technological equipment that expands its functionality to implement technological processes of agricultural production.  The mounted systems installed both at the rear and at the front of the tractor have become the most popular in work with the mounted machines and implements on agricultural tractors. At present, modern tractors are produced for agricultural purposes, but the presence of the mounted system and front and rear space reduces the comfort of workers with a tractor. In connection with the above, we have made an attempt to calculate the strength of the mounted for tractors of wheeled and tracked type of rear minimum and maximum when lifting from the ground. Calculations show that Hmax= 600-700 mm height for wheeled tractors, 700-800 mm height for tracked tractors in working and transport position.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 22-02-2021
  • Read count 245
  • Date of publication 26-10-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages257-264

The research deals with the tractor rear mounting unit, which is the main technological equipment that expands its functionality to implement technological processes of agricultural production.  The mounted systems installed both at the rear and at the front of the tractor have become the most popular in work with the mounted machines and implements on agricultural tractors. At present, modern tractors are produced for agricultural purposes, but the presence of the mounted system and front and rear space reduces the comfort of workers with a tractor. In connection with the above, we have made an attempt to calculate the strength of the mounted for tractors of wheeled and tracked type of rear minimum and maximum when lifting from the ground. Calculations show that Hmax= 600-700 mm height for wheeled tractors, 700-800 mm height for tracked tractors in working and transport position.

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