In this article given water issues which are observed in Republic frequently shortage of water and water-related problems during the current period, especially decreasing of water resources in agriculture, and getting worse of lands’ melioration. The conditions of the above problems collector – drainage mineralization ameliorate with using water plants by biologic method in Bukhara region. Given experimental results of researches of the processes of salt accumulation in the soil through the irrigation of “Bukhara-6” cotton variety.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 01-11-2019
  • Read count 785
  • Date of publication 02-09-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages42

In this article given water issues which are observed in Republic frequently shortage of water and water-related problems during the current period, especially decreasing of water resources in agriculture, and getting worse of lands’ melioration. The conditions of the above problems collector – drainage mineralization ameliorate with using water plants by biologic method in Bukhara region. Given experimental results of researches of the processes of salt accumulation in the soil through the irrigation of “Bukhara-6” cotton variety.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xamidov M.. professor ТИҚХММИ
2 Jo'rayev U.. fan doktori ТИҚХММИ АФ
3 Berdiyev R.. magistrant ТИҚХММИ АФ
Name of reference
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2 2. Omar M.S., Aziz M.A The effect soil moisture depletion on Wheat. Production. Egyptj Soilsi 1983, 23, No 1. Pp. 1-17.
3 3. Губанов И. А., Киселёва К. В., Новиков В. С., Тихомиров В. Н. 306. Lemna minor L. – Ряска маленькая // Иллюстрированный определитель растений Средней России. В 3-х томах. – М.: Т-во науч. изд. КМК, Ин-т технолог. иссл, 2002. – Т. 1.