• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 06-11-2021
  • Read count 169
  • Date of publication 20-09-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages67-69

The article studies the intensive feeding of carp with probiotic additives in the Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries. Studies have shown positive results when feeding fish with probiotic feeds.

Name of reference
1 1. Kutlieva Guzal, Azimova Nodirahon, Turaeva Bakhorakhon, Elova Nilufar and Karimov Khusniddin/ THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Article Doi - https://doi.org/10.37547/tajabe/Volume02Issue06-03
2 2. Руденко Р.А. «Рост, развитие и продуктивные качества прудового карпа при использовании пробиотика «Субтилис».
3 3. Ниёзов Д.С, Ғаффоров Ҳ.Ғ. Балиқларнинг озиқланиши, Тошкент-2012 й. (60-72) б.