• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 07-01-2022
  • Read count 319
  • Date of publication 25-11-2021
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages6-7

The use of mineral and local fertilizers, as well as trace elements on a scientific basis is important in a set of measures to increase the productivity of agricultural crops. When this practical work is done, the planned high-quality harvest is obtained and, to a certain extent, the fertility of the soil is preserved. Timely care of grain during harvesting, threshing and threshing provides high quality grain.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 G'aybullayev G.S. qishloq xo‘jalik fanlari doktori. TDAU Samarqand filial
2 Toshkenboyeva F.. tayanch doktoranti. SamVMI
3 Norqobilov S.. magistrant TDAU Samarqand filial
Name of reference
1 1. B.Xalikov, N.Yodgorov, Kuzgi yumshoq bug‘doy navlarining hosildorligiga madanli o‘g‘itlar va sug‘orish rejimining ta‘siri.// “Agro Ilm” jurnali 1(51) 2018 y, 17-18 bet.
2 2. R.Ishmuhammedova. Mineral o‘g‘itlar ta‘sirida kuzgi bug‘doy donida sifat ko‘rsatkichlarning o‘zgarishi.// Agro himoya va o‘simliklar karantini jurnali. №-1, 2017 yil, 42-44 bet.
3 3. P.Siddiqov. G‘alla parvarishida muhim palla.// “O‘zbekiston qishloq xo‘jaligi” jurnali. № 4, 2015 yil.