Manufacture of imported ceramic electric heaters based on a high sung ache, types of electric heaters and their processing procedures. Technological processes of electric heaters and their use in agriculture.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Kamanov B.M. | katta o‘qituvchi | TIQXMMI MTU |
2 | Imomov S.. | professor | TIQXMMI MTU |
3 | Suvanova L.. | assistent | TIQXMMI MTU |
4 | Sapayev I.. | dotsent | TIQXMMI MTU |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Prediction of strength of recrystallized silicon carbide from pore size measurement. Part I. The bimodality of the distribution. / Orlovskaja N. [et al.] // Journal of Materials Science. 2000. V. 35. I. 3. P. 699–705. |
2 | 2. A new design for preparation of high performance recrystallized silicon carbide / Guo W. [et al.] //Ceramics International. 2012. V. 38. I. 3. P. 2475–2481. |
3 | 3. Corman G. S., Luthra K. L. Silicon Melt Infiltrated Ceramic Composites (HiPerComp™) // Handbook of Ceramic Composites. Springer US, 2005. P. 99–115. |