• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 01-08-2022
  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 29-07-1996
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages84-87

Муаллифлар ишлаб чидуан услуб билан Фаргона водийсининг бир неча иохияларида мах­ сус ганлов асосида адоли текширувдаи утказилиб, сийдик тоши касаллиги (СТК) ни урганилган омиллари билан тардалиш кенглиги бовлидлигиии тадлили бирламчи ва дайталанувчи уролитиазни олдини олиш тадбирлариии ишлаб чидиш имкониятини беришлиги курсатилган.


According to the method selected stady of the past of the population in seveeal aeeas of Ferghana region was undertaken. Preliminary results showed that prevalence of urolithiasis among adult population studied in two areas was 0,9 ±0.01 % that was lower in comparison with the same indices calculated for several other regions of Uzbekistan and other countries founded in home and foreign lirerature. Analyses of pjssible relation between the rate of urolithiasis prevalence and factors stadied makes possible to develop prophylactic measures for prevention of primary and recurrent urolithiasis.

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