• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 01-08-2022
  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 29-07-1996
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages95-97

Ушбу мақолада маркази хисобланган 28 майдон урта кавати цитоархитектоникасининг ёшга дара б узгариш хусусиятлари ёритилди. Олинган натижалар шуни курсатадики, бу майдон хитоархи­ тектоникасининг узгариши постанатал онтогенез даврида 3 босдичдан утади: I. 7 ёшгача(усиш дав- ри); II. 8 ёшдан 60 ёшгача(курсаткичларнинг нисбий узгармас даври); III. 61 ёшдан кейин(дайта ривожланиш даври).


The changes of citoarchitectonics of the middle layer in the field 28 of the human brain in the aged aspect were invastigated in the given article. These data show that the development of citoarchitectonics of the certain areas of brain in postnatal onthogenesis there were three periods: the 1-st till 7 years (the period of growth); the 2nd from 8 till 60(the period of relative stabilization of indices); and the third - after 61 (the period of involution).

Name of reference
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