The paper aims at showing the importance of culture in teaching foreign languages and offers some strategies to be used while embedding culture in language classroom. In the article some attitudes towards involving culture in language classrooms by experts are discussed. Moreover, the problems associated with teaching culture are discussed and the reasons pose those problems are pointed out.  As language is developed within the culture, culture is also widely delivered by language, they are indispensible from each other which should be equally emphasized in teaching languages. In the article some techniques are suggested to be involved in language classrooms to achieve language proficiency and improve the student knowledge regarding the target culture. 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 31-08-2022
  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 25-02-2021
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages215-219

Maqolada chet tillarini o'rgatishda madaniyatning ahamiyati ko’rsatib o’tilgan va chet tili sinfida madaniyatni o'rnatishda foydalanish uchun kerat bo’ladigan ba'zi strategiyalar taklif qilingan. Maqolada mutaxassislar tomonidan xorijiy til darslarida madaniyatni ham qamrab olishga bo’lgan munosabatlari yoritib berilgan. Bundan tashqari, madaniyati o’rgatish bilan bog'liq muammolar muhokama qilinadi va ularni keltirib chiqaradigan sabablar ko'rsatiladi. Til madaniyat doirasida rivojlanganidek, madaniyat ham til orqali keng tarqaladi, ular bir-biridan ajralmasdir, bu tillarni o'rgatishda teng darajada ta'kidlanishi kerak. Maqolada tilni bilish darajasiga erishish va maqsadli madaniyat bo'yicha talabalar bilimini oshirish o’qitish usullarni jalb qilish taklif etiladi. 


Статья направлена на то, чтобы показать важность культуры в обучении иностранным языкам и предлагает некоторые стратегии, которые можно использовать при внедрении культуры в языковой класс. В статье обсуждаются некоторые взгляды экспертов на привлечение культуры на уроках иностранных языков. 
Кроме того, обсуждаются проблемы, связанные с культурой обучения, и указываются причины, порождающие эти проблемы. Поскольку язык развивается в культуре, культура также широко передается языком, они незаменимы друг от друга, что в равной степени следует подчеркивать при обучении языкам. В статье предлагаются некоторые методы, которые можно использовать на языковых занятиях для достижения языкового мастерства и улучшения знаний учащихся о целевой культуре.


The paper aims at showing the importance of culture in teaching foreign languages and offers some strategies to be used while embedding culture in language classroom. In the article some attitudes towards involving culture in language classrooms by experts are discussed. Moreover, the problems associated with teaching culture are discussed and the reasons pose those problems are pointed out.  As language is developed within the culture, culture is also widely delivered by language, they are indispensible from each other which should be equally emphasized in teaching languages. In the article some techniques are suggested to be involved in language classrooms to achieve language proficiency and improve the student knowledge regarding the target culture. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Majidova G.K. 1 Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
1 1. Brdarić, Helena. 2016. The Importance of Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom.
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5 5. McKay, Sandra Lee. 2000. Teaching English as an international language: implications for cultural materials in the classroom. TESOL Journal 9(4): 7–11
6 6. Cortazzi, Martin–Jin, Lixian. 1999. Cultural mirrors: materials and methods in the EFL classroom. In: Hinkel, Eli (ed.), Culture in second language teaching and learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 196–220.
7 7. Sheeraz Ali, Bahram Kazemian, Israr Hussain Mahar. 2015. The Importance of Culture in Second and Foreign Language Learning.
8 8. Mahmanazarova F.I. 2018.The role of culture in foreign language teaching.