The connotations of a particular language subject are strongly influenced by various cultural, environmental, social, religious, and political factors, as opposed to its denotations. Accordingly, any analysis of the connotations of linguistic elements provides insight to understand language-specific parameters and to identify nonlinguistic similarities and differences between languages. The study of the metaphorical use of ornithonyms can shed light on language-specific cultural models that refer to connotations of specific animal terms to define human characteristics. An analysis of the use of bird name metaphors usually leads to an important understanding of the dominant cultural model of a particular society. This article discusses these issues and analyzes the features of the use of ornithonyms in two languages in terms of differences and similarities. 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 31-08-2022
  • Read count 0
  • Date of publication 25-02-2021
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages257-261

Muayyan til predmetining konnotatsiyalariga uning dennotatsiyalaridan farqli ravishda turli madaniy, ekologik, ijtimoiy, diniy va siyosiy omillar katta ta’sir ko’rsatadi. Shunga ko’ra lingvistik elementlarning konnotatsiyalarining har qanday tahlili tilga xos parametrlarni tushunish va tillar o’rtasidagi nolingvistik o’xshashlik va farqlarni aniqlash uchun tushuncha beradi. Ornitinimlarning metaforik qo’llanilishini o’rganish inson xususiyatlarining aniqlash uchun o’ziga xos xayvon atamalarining konnotatsiyalariga murojaat qiladigan tilga xos madaniy modellarni yoritishi mumkin. Qushlarning nomlari metaforalaridan foydalanishni tahlil qilish, odatda muayyan jamiyatning hukmron madaniy modeli haqida muhim tushunchaga ega bo’lishga olib keladi. Ushbu maqolada mazkur masalalarda fikrlar keltirilib, ornitonimlarning ikki tildagi qo’llanilishi xususiyatlari farqlilik va o’xshashlik jixatidan tahlil etiladi.


На коннотации конкретного языкового предмета сильно влияют различные культурные, экологические, социальные, религиозные и политические факторы, в отличие от его денотатов. 
Соответственно, любой анализ коннотаций лингвистических элементов позволяет понять специфические для языка параметры и выявить нелингвистические сходства и различия между языками. Изучение метафорического использования орнитонимов может объяснить на специфические для языка культурные модели, которые относятся к коннотациям определенных терминов животных для определения характеристик человека. Анализ использования метафор названий птиц обычно приводит к важному пониманию доминирующей культурной модели конкретного общества. В данной статье рассматриваются эти вопросы и анализируются особенности употребления орнитонимов в двух языках с точки зрения различий и сходств. 


The connotations of a particular language subject are strongly influenced by various cultural, environmental, social, religious, and political factors, as opposed to its denotations. Accordingly, any analysis of the connotations of linguistic elements provides insight to understand language-specific parameters and to identify nonlinguistic similarities and differences between languages. The study of the metaphorical use of ornithonyms can shed light on language-specific cultural models that refer to connotations of specific animal terms to define human characteristics. An analysis of the use of bird name metaphors usually leads to an important understanding of the dominant cultural model of a particular society. This article discusses these issues and analyzes the features of the use of ornithonyms in two languages in terms of differences and similarities. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Maxmudova N.R. 1 Fergana State University
Name of reference
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16 Linklar:
17 [1] https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/50-bird-names-for-your-gorgeousbaby-girl/
18 [2] https://uzbekistan.birds.watch/v2photo.php?l=en&s=000700137&n=1&si=uzb
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23 [7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_of_prey