This study presents an analysis of the production and consumption of meat in the world. The data on demand for meat and meat product of the Food and agriculture organization (FAO) of the United Nations are presented. World meat production since the 1960 s. increased 4–5 times: from 44 million tons in 1960 to 336,5 million tons in 2018, the USDA American Ministry publishes such data. Most of the meat produced in Asia and North America, together they account for almost half of the world’s total product. Meat consumption is growing in the world with an increase in population. Since the 1960s, per capita consumption has increased by 21 kg. According to the FAO, today the average person eats 43 kg of meat per year. The rate varies by country, which is the highest in the world. In Europe and the USA – 80 and 110 kg, respectively. The article also describes the technology of meat production in the United States

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 01-09-2022
  • Read count 272
  • Date of publication 01-09-2022
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages13-18

В данном исследовании представлен анализ производства и потребления мяса в различных странах мира. Представлены данные спроса на мясо и мясопродукты согласно данных Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации (FAO) Объединенных Наций. Мировое производство мяса с 1960-х гг. выросло в 4‒5 раз: с 44 млн т в 1960 г. до 336,5 млн т в 2018 г., такие данные публикует Министерство сельского хозяйство США (USDA). Больше всего мяса производится в странах Азии и Северной Америки, вместе они составляют почти половину всего мирового объема продукта. Потребление мяса растет в мире вместе с увеличением численности населения. С 1960-х годов уровень потребления на душу населения вырос на 21 кг. По данным ФАО, сегодня средний человек ест 43 кг мяса в год. Показатель различается в зависимости от стран, самое высокое значение в мире приходится на страны Европы и США– 80 и 118 кг соответственно. Также в статье приведена технология производства мяса в США.


This study presents an analysis of the production and consumption of meat in the world. The data on demand for meat and meat product of the Food and agriculture organization (FAO) of the United Nations are presented. World meat production since the 1960 s. increased 4–5 times: from 44 million tons in 1960 to 336,5 million tons in 2018, the USDA American Ministry publishes such data. Most of the meat produced in Asia and North America, together they account for almost half of the world’s total product. Meat consumption is growing in the world with an increase in population. Since the 1960s, per capita consumption has increased by 21 kg. According to the FAO, today the average person eats 43 kg of meat per year. The rate varies by country, which is the highest in the world. In Europe and the USA – 80 and 110 kg, respectively. The article also describes the technology of meat production in the United States

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