Grapes grew in almost every warm corner of the Earth, however, the
classical art of winemaking developed, in the manufacture of wine in ancient times they
used grape juice, fruits, plants and resin as an antiseptic Wine was transported in
ceramic vessels - amphorae. Amphora, intended for long-term transportation, were
covered with resin from the inside and sealed with a bundle of straw coated with a thick
layer of clay. Thus, the wine was protected from its two main external enemies - oxygen
and microorganisms. Getting rid of sulfites (sulfur dioxide) is a goal pursued by an
increasing number of winemakers and consumers! In the practice of winemaking, it is
not so easy to abandon the use of sulfur dioxide. Alternative measures are required to
preserve the wine's sensory profile, clean, fresh tones in the bouquet. Research and
Development Department (Recherche & Developpement) IOC has developed a new
series of Low SO2 Solutions processing aids, which, when used in conjunction with
rational vinification methods, can significantly reduce sulfitation and SO2 content in
wine.Humanity has been producing wine for several millennia.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 05-09-2022
  • Read count 324
  • Date of publication 30-06-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages4-7

Grapes grew in almost every warm corner of the Earth, however, the
classical art of winemaking developed, in the manufacture of wine in ancient times they
used grape juice, fruits, plants and resin as an antiseptic Wine was transported in
ceramic vessels - amphorae. Amphora, intended for long-term transportation, were
covered with resin from the inside and sealed with a bundle of straw coated with a thick
layer of clay. Thus, the wine was protected from its two main external enemies - oxygen
and microorganisms. Getting rid of sulfites (sulfur dioxide) is a goal pursued by an
increasing number of winemakers and consumers! In the practice of winemaking, it is
not so easy to abandon the use of sulfur dioxide. Alternative measures are required to
preserve the wine's sensory profile, clean, fresh tones in the bouquet. Research and
Development Department (Recherche & Developpement) IOC has developed a new
series of Low SO2 Solutions processing aids, which, when used in conjunction with
rational vinification methods, can significantly reduce sulfitation and SO2 content in
wine.Humanity has been producing wine for several millennia.

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