The article provides the rationale and prerequisites for the construction
of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result of the instrumental
studies carried out in the past years, the main parameters of trend geodynamic
deformations were analyzed and a method for their study was described. The total
length of re-leveling lines is 16,000 running kilometers. The number of benchmarks
common for the first and second leveling is 1322. The time intervals between the first
and second leveling range from 7 to 42 years and average 25 years. bookmarks,
therefore, in addition to the geodesist, a geologist takes part in the reconnaissance of
leveling lines of class I to select the places for laying benchmarks. Additionally, the
Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences conducted a geological and
geomorphological survey of 193 benchmarks, of which 63 benchmarks were not found,
and the rest of the surveyed benchmarks were assigned to the first category of stability.
A comprehensive qualitative testing of the leveling results was carried out. The main
criterion for the quality of leveling is the mean square random and systematic errors per
1 km of leveling. Based on the monitoring performed on the territory of geodynamic
polygons, which are located in the most tectonically active regions of the republic, a
choice of locations for NPP sites was made.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Abduazizov N.A. | teacher | TSTU |
2 | Allanazarov O.. | teacher | TSTU |
3 | Karaboyev K.. | teacher | TSTU |
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