An analysis of literary data on the use of multi-motor electric drives for
overhead crane movement mechanisms shows that new types of hoisting mechanisms
and automated hoisting and transport systems being created determine new, higher
requirements for cranes and their control systems. An electric drive control system
should be understood as a complex consisting of an electrical energy converter (if any),
control equipment for switching current in the electric motor circuit, manual control or
automatic (software) control, high-speed or other control, as well as protection elements
for electrical equipment and mechanism, ultimately acting on the drive disconnection
devices. Crane control systems are classified as devices that are under the continuous
control of the operator, that is in these systems, the moment of inertia, speed
parameters and the moment of completion of the operation are selected by the person
controlling this mechanism. The control system, in turn, must provide the necessary
switching sequence to implement the desired speed parameters, as well as prevent, at
the same time, unacceptable overloads and provide the necessary protection. In the
crane electric drive, the direct control system using power cam controllers is most
widely used. It is characterized by the greatest ease of management and maintenance.
Cam controllers with different circuits, depending on their purpose, control DC motors.
For lifting mechanisms, an asymmetric controller circuit is used with potentiometric
switching on of the motor armature in the descent positions, and for movement
mechanisms, a symmetrical controller circuit with resistors switched off in series. With
alternating current, cam controllers are used to control single-speed asynchronous
squirrel-cage and phase rotor motors. In the first case, the controller performs the
functions of turning on and off the squirrel-cage motor without regulating its speed: in
the second case, switching the stator windings, as well as the stages of resistors in the
rotor circuit.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 06-09-2022
  • Read count 152
  • Date of publication 30-06-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages198-203

An analysis of literary data on the use of multi-motor electric drives for
overhead crane movement mechanisms shows that new types of hoisting mechanisms
and automated hoisting and transport systems being created determine new, higher
requirements for cranes and their control systems. An electric drive control system
should be understood as a complex consisting of an electrical energy converter (if any),
control equipment for switching current in the electric motor circuit, manual control or
automatic (software) control, high-speed or other control, as well as protection elements
for electrical equipment and mechanism, ultimately acting on the drive disconnection
devices. Crane control systems are classified as devices that are under the continuous
control of the operator, that is in these systems, the moment of inertia, speed
parameters and the moment of completion of the operation are selected by the person
controlling this mechanism. The control system, in turn, must provide the necessary
switching sequence to implement the desired speed parameters, as well as prevent, at
the same time, unacceptable overloads and provide the necessary protection. In the
crane electric drive, the direct control system using power cam controllers is most
widely used. It is characterized by the greatest ease of management and maintenance.
Cam controllers with different circuits, depending on their purpose, control DC motors.
For lifting mechanisms, an asymmetric controller circuit is used with potentiometric
switching on of the motor armature in the descent positions, and for movement
mechanisms, a symmetrical controller circuit with resistors switched off in series. With
alternating current, cam controllers are used to control single-speed asynchronous
squirrel-cage and phase rotor motors. In the first case, the controller performs the
functions of turning on and off the squirrel-cage motor without regulating its speed: in
the second case, switching the stator windings, as well as the stages of resistors in the
rotor circuit.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abidov K.G. teacher TSTU
2 Dadadjanov K.S. teacher TSTU
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