The main kinetic characteristics of the process of spontaneous
oligomerization of epiodohydrin with diphenylguanidine have been investigated. The
research results showed that the highest yield of oligomer is achieved with an equimolar
ratio of reacting substances. Based on the results obtained, the order of the reaction
was determined for the components of spontaneous oligomerization that occurs during
the interaction of epiodhydrin with diphenylguanidine, and turned out to be equal to unity
for both epiodohydrin c and diphenylguanidine. Also, the mathematical processing of
the initial observation results was carried out using the methods of static analysis of the
experiment on a computer. To determine the activation energy and the order of
reactions by the initial components by the dilatometric method, the initial kinetic data on
the degree of conversion of the initial monomers into an oligomer were obtained. To
elucidate the reaction of the interaction of epiodhydrin (EIG) with diphenylguanidine
(DPG), IR and PMR spectra of the initial and final products were recorded, elemental
analysis was performed, and UV spectra of the obtained reactive oligomers were

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 07-09-2022
  • Read count 278
  • Date of publication 30-06-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages14-21

The main kinetic characteristics of the process of spontaneous
oligomerization of epiodohydrin with diphenylguanidine have been investigated. The
research results showed that the highest yield of oligomer is achieved with an equimolar
ratio of reacting substances. Based on the results obtained, the order of the reaction
was determined for the components of spontaneous oligomerization that occurs during
the interaction of epiodhydrin with diphenylguanidine, and turned out to be equal to unity
for both epiodohydrin c and diphenylguanidine. Also, the mathematical processing of
the initial observation results was carried out using the methods of static analysis of the
experiment on a computer. To determine the activation energy and the order of
reactions by the initial components by the dilatometric method, the initial kinetic data on
the degree of conversion of the initial monomers into an oligomer were obtained. To
elucidate the reaction of the interaction of epiodhydrin (EIG) with diphenylguanidine
(DPG), IR and PMR spectra of the initial and final products were recorded, elemental
analysis was performed, and UV spectra of the obtained reactive oligomers were

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ismailov A.I. teacher TSTU
2 Ismailov R.I. teacher TSTU
3 Abdukakhkhorov A.K. teacher TSTU
4 Khasanov O.K. teacher TSTU
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