This article introduces a brief historical development of corpora and corpus linguistics. The study gives the ideas of western linguists and reveals its role in today’s linguistics.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system24-10-2022
  • Read count0
  • Date of publication11-02-2022
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages151-153

Ушбу мақолада корпус лингвистика ва корпусларнинг қисқача тарихий ривожланиши ёритилган. Ғарб тилшуносларнинг фикр ва мулоҳазалари асосида бугунги кунда унинг ўрни ҳамда анъанавий ва корпус лингвистиканинг тавсифий қиёсланиши келтирилган.


В этой статье обсуждается корпусная лингвистика и краткое историческое развитие корпуса.
Основываясь на взглядах и мнениях западных лингвистов, представляется её роль, а также описывается сравнение традиционной и корпусной лингвистики.


This article introduces a brief historical development of corpora and corpus linguistics. The study gives the ideas of western linguists and reveals its role in today’s linguistics.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Nurmatova G.K. 1 Navoi State Mining Institute
Name of reference
1 1. Johns T. F. (1991). Should you be persuaded-Two samples of data-driven learning materials. ELR Journal, (4), 1-16
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4 4. McCarthy, Michael. Accessing and interpreting corpus information in the teacher education context. - Language Teaching. 2008, 41. Cambridge University Press. 563-574.
5 5. Sinclair, John. Introduction. In: Sinclair, John McH., ed. How to use corpora in language teaching. - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Benjamins, 2004. - VI, 307 S. - (Studies in corpus linguistics; ISBN 90-272-2283-5
6 6. Zakharov V.P. Corpus linguistics. Metodicam manual. St.Petersburgh .: 2005.
7 7. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Data-driven_learning&oldid=1051138684