The article presents a study by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of the amount of macro- and microelements in the composition of the leaves and stems of the wormwood plant, growing in the Yozevon district of the Fergana region. In the studied organs of the plant, 22 macro- and microelements were found. Such macroelements as K, Mg, Na, Ca, S, P have been identified. The leaves contain the highest amount of potassium (7410, 072 mg/kg) and the least amount of phosphorus (288,627 mg/kg). Fe, Li, Be, B, Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, and Re were identified among the trace elements. Of the toxic elements, only trace amounts of lead were found in the leaves. depending on the content of elements Based on the elemental composition, it has been shown that the leaves of the plant can be used in various food supplements.
Maqolada Fargʼona viloyati Yozyovon tumanida oʼsadigan achchiq shuvoq (ermon)oʼsimligi bargi va bandi tarikbidagi makro-va mikroelementlar miqdori induktiv bogʼlangan plazma mass spektrometriya usuli yordamida oʼrganildi.Oʼsimlikning tadqiq qilingan organlarida 22 ta makro-va mikroelementlar aniqlandi. K, Mg, Na, Ca, S, P kabi makroelementlar aniqlandi. Barglarida eng yuqori miqdor kaliyga (7410,072 mg/kg) va eng kichik miqdor fosforga (288,627 mg/kg) tegishli ekanligi aniqlandi. Mikroelementlardan Fe, Li ,Be, B, Al ,Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni va Re lar aniqlandi. Barglarida eng yuqori miqdor kremniyga (400,250 mg/kg) ga tegishli boʼlib, temir miqdori 89,577 mg/kg ni tashkil etdi. Zaharli elementlar orasida faqat qoʼrgʼoshin barglarida juda oz aniqlandi.Element tarkibga asoslangan holda oʼsimlikning barglaridan turli oziq-ovqat qoʼshimchalarida foydalanish mumkinligi koʼrsatib oʼtildi.
В статье приведены исследования методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой количество макро- и микроэлементов в составе листьев и стеблей растения полыни горькой,произрастающей в Ёзёвонском районе Ферганской области. В исследованных органах растения выявлено 22 макро- и микроэлемента. Выявлены такие макроэлементы, как K, Mg, Na, Ca, S, P. В листьях обнаружено наибольшее количество калия (7410, 072 мг/кг) и наименьшее количество фосфора (288, 627 мг/кг). Среди микроэлементов определены Fe, Li, Be, B, Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni и Re.Из токсичных элементов в листьях обнаружен только свинец в ничтожных количествах. зависимости от содержания элементов На основании элементного состава, показано, что листья растения могут быть использованы в различных пищевых добавках.
The article presents a study by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of the amount of macro- and microelements in the composition of the leaves and stems of the wormwood plant, growing in the Yozevon district of the Fergana region. In the studied organs of the plant, 22 macro- and microelements were found. Such macroelements as K, Mg, Na, Ca, S, P have been identified. The leaves contain the highest amount of potassium (7410, 072 mg/kg) and the least amount of phosphorus (288,627 mg/kg). Fe, Li, Be, B, Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, and Re were identified among the trace elements. Of the toxic elements, only trace amounts of lead were found in the leaves. depending on the content of elements Based on the elemental composition, it has been shown that the leaves of the plant can be used in various food supplements.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Toyiraxon A.S. | 1 | Fergana State University |
2 | Nazarov O.M. | 2 | Fergana State University |
3 | Turgunboyev S.S. | 3 | Fergana State University |
4 | Nishonova R.M. | 4 | Fergana State University |
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