• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 12-11-2019
  • Read count 885
  • Date of publication 01-10-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages40-41

Тhis article provides information about the severity, distribution and lifestyle east moth in recent years in intensive orchards country. In order to determine the efficacy of insecticides against east moth, first conducted observational work on the basis of sex pheromones. On this basis, three options have been tested drugs Gazell-D 55% em.k., Desis 2,5% em.k., Nurell D 55%., em.k. The highest efficacy was observed in the embodiment where the applied 1,0 l /ha Gazell-D 55% em.k. In this embodiment, efficiency 85.5%.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sulaymonov O.. rahbar Ўсимликлар карантини илмий маркази
2 O'taganov S.. ilmiy xodim
3 Sobirov B.. ilmiy xodim
4 Yaxyoyev J.. ilmiy xodim
Name of reference
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