This article talks about the essence of innovative pedagogical technologies, their components, their stages, how they happen, etc.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Odiljonov K.Z. | talaba | NamDU. |
№ | Name of reference |
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2 | 2. Sharipov Sh. S., Muslimov N.A. (TDPU). Invitation of professors-teachers.// Tashkent. PEDAGOGY. 2015. - 134b. |
3 | 3. M.Kh. Tokhtakhojaeva, S. Nishonova, Zh. Hasanboev, M. Usmonboeva, S. Madiyarova, A. Kaldibekova, N. Nishonova, N. Saidakhmedov. Pedagogy. - Tashkent: Publishing House "National Society of Philosophers of Uzbekistan", 2010. - 400 p. |
4 | 4. Kamoldinova diora. Graduate work. Andijan. 2013.- 55b. |