In this article, a comparative analysis of the techniques and technologies for the
preparation of baked yarn with a complex structure was made. Analysis of industry research shows
that expanding the assortment of textile yarns, obtaining spun yarns by joining two or more single
yarns at the same tension, and having different yarn tension in one winding process can improve the
product and ensure an efficient process in the technological system. By using it, it is possible to
implement more technological processes at high speed to obtain better quality products, the results of
research work and a comparative analysis were developed. Electrospinning is a versatile technique
that can create micro- and nano-scale fibers with complex structures. The process involves the use of
an electric field to stretch and elongate fibers, creating a fine yarn. This technique is ideal for creating
baked yarn with unique properties, but it requires specialized equipment and expertise. Based on these
analyses, recommendations were made.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | ADASHEV B.M. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
2 | KABIROV D.A. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
3 | ABDURAKHMONOV S.S. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
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