The article shows the analysis of the technical requirements in the production of
knitted fabrics in the textile industry and the methods of their determination based on the standard.
Through the research of a number of scientists, it has been determined that it is possible to produce
knitted fabrics depending on the seasonal use. It has been studied that the methods of fabric shearing
and glue spraying depend on the weight of the fabric. What substances are used in the composition of
the glue has been analyzed. A formula designed to calculate the density of square-shaped yarn, avru
and movat yarns has been developed. It is proposed to classify the fabric into 3 large classes
depending on the production method. A classification was developed by dividing into three groups
according to tissue penetration. Production possibilities have been revealed through the study of the
technical requirements of knitted and crocheted fabrics produced from China and Spain. As a result
of the study of the requirements for knitted fabrics and textile products made from them, it was
determined that the most important indicators are the penetration of the fabric in the direction of the
body and the warp, and the indicators of uniformity in bending.
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