Ushbu maqolada bo‘lajak biologiya o‘qituvchilarini tayyorlashda “Flipped   classroom”  texnologiyasining  imkoniyatlari  keltirilgan.  Shuningdek, “Flipped   classroom”  texnologiyasidan  foydalanib  bo‘lajak  biologiya  fani o‘qituvchilarini tayyorlashda kasbiy fan sifatida o‘qitiladigan “Qishloq xo`jaligining biologik  asoslari”,  ”Biotexnologiya”  fanlarini  o‘qitish  samaradorligini   aniqlash bo‘yicha  tajriba-sinov  ishlari  olib  borilgan  hamda  uning  samaradorlik  darajasi Styudent-Fisher kriteriyasidan foydalanib isbotlangan. 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 21-03-2024
  • Read count 19
  • Date of publication 30-06-2023
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages42-48

Ushbu maqolada bo‘lajak biologiya o‘qituvchilarini tayyorlashda “Flipped   classroom”  texnologiyasining  imkoniyatlari  keltirilgan.  Shuningdek, “Flipped   classroom”  texnologiyasidan  foydalanib  bo‘lajak  biologiya  fani o‘qituvchilarini tayyorlashda kasbiy fan sifatida o‘qitiladigan “Qishloq xo`jaligining biologik  asoslari”,  ”Biotexnologiya”  fanlarini  o‘qitish  samaradorligini   aniqlash bo‘yicha  tajriba-sinov  ishlari  olib  borilgan  hamda  uning  samaradorlik  darajasi Styudent-Fisher kriteriyasidan foydalanib isbotlangan. 


В  данной  статье  представлены  возможности  технологии «Перевернутый класс» в подготовке будущих учителей биологии. Также были проведены  эксперименты  по  определению  эффективности  преподавания “Биологические  основы  земледелия”,”Биотехнология”  как  профессионального 
предмета  в  подготовке  будущих  учителей  биологии  по  технологии «Перевернутый  класс»,  а  уровень  ее  эффективности  определен  с использованием критерия Стьюдента-Фишера.


This  article  presents  the  possibilities  of  the  Flipped  Classroom technology  in  the  preparation  of  future  biology  teachers.  Experiments  were  also carried  out  to  determine  the  effectiveness  of  teaching  “Biological  basis  of agriculture”,  "  Biotechnology  "  as  a  professional  subject  in  the  training  of  future biology  teachers  using  the  "Flipped  Classroom"  technology,  and  the  level  of  its effectiveness was determined using the Student-Fisher criterion. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abralov O.S. o'qituvchi Navoiy davlat pedagogika instituti
Name of reference
1 Такер. Б. The Flipped Classroom - Online instruction at home frees class time for learning // Education Next, 2012. – № . – С. 83.
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3 Talbert R. Four Things I Wish I Had Known About the Flipped Classroom. // The Chronicles, June 5, 2014.
4 Walvoord B., Anderson V. Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment. – San Francisco: Jossey­Bass, 1998.
5 Fitzpatrick M. Classroom lectures go digital. The New York Times, June 24, 2012. 9.
6 Talbert R. Four Things I Wish I Had Known About the Flipped Classroom // The Chronicles, June 5, 2014.
7 Berrett D. How ‘flipping‘ the classroom can improve the traditional lecture // The Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 19, 2012.
8 Zappe, S., Leicht, R., Messner, J., Litzinger, T., & Lee, H. W. Flipping the Classroom to Explore Active Learning in a Large Undergraduate Course. In Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exhibition.
9 Walvoord B., Anderson V. Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment. – San Francisco: Jossey­Bass, 1998
10 Berrett D. How ‘flipping‘ the classroom can improve the traditional lecture // The Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 19, 2012.
11 Murray, D., Kozniec, T., McGill, T., (2015). Student perceptions of Flipped Learning. School of Engineering and Information Technology. Australian Computer Society, January 2015.