Мақолада оилавий тадбиркорликни ривожлантиришда аёлларнинг ўрни, бизнесда гендер тенглик (нотенглик) масалалари, халқаро бизнесда аёлларнинг қатнашиши, этностереотипларнинг
таъсири, аёл – лидерлар хислатлари муҳокама қилинади.
Мақолада оилавий тадбиркорликни ривожлантиришда аёлларнинг ўрни, бизнесда гендер тенглик (нотенглик) масалалари, халқаро бизнесда аёлларнинг қатнашиши, этностереотипларнинг
таъсири, аёл – лидерлар хислатлари муҳокама қилинади.
In the article, there were discussed the issues as the role of women in developing family entrepreneurship, gender equality (non-equality) in business, participation of women in international business, influence of ethno stereotypes, features of female leaders.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Davletov J.B. | a senior teacher of the department of National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Law Education at Urgench State University |
№ | Name of reference |
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11 | 11. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. “On Guarantees of Freedom of Entrepreneurial Activity” (new edition). Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2012, No. 18. |
12 | 12. See Ruziev R.J., Choriev M.Sh., Khodjaev E.K. Тадбиркорлик фаолиятида мулк ва уни тасарруф этишнинг шартномавий-ҳуқуқий асослари (Contractual and Legal Bases of Property and its Ownership in Entrepreneurship). – Tashkent: Наврўз, 2014. |
13 | 13. Newspapers: Халқ сўзи, January 1, 2019; Оила ва жамият, March 21, 2018; Халқ сўзи. August 9, 2018. |
14 | 14. Newspaper: Халқ сўзи. February 28, 2019. |