№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Aripov N.M. | Professor | Tashkent State Transport University |
2 | Mirzarakhmedov Z.F. | Katta o'qituvchi | Tashkent State Transport Technical College |
3 | Rakhmonov B.B. | Doctoral student | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1.Beybulatova, S. I. Sovremennye pribory beskontaktnogo kodirovaniya relsovykh tsepey / S. I. Beybulatova, D. I. Seliverov. — Text: neposredstvennyy // Molodoy uchenyy. — 2011. — No. 12 (35). — T. 1. — S. 50-52. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/35/4026/. |
2 | 2.http://studref.com/467097/ tehnika/ avtomaticheskaya lokomativnaya signalizasiya/ |
3 | 3.A.A. Kazakov, E.A. Kazakov, V.D. Bubnov " Systems of interval regulation of train traffic " M.1986 - 81p |
4 | 4.Soroko V.I., Fotkina J.V. The equipment of the automatic device of the telemechanic // Guide: v 4kn. Kn. 1. — 4-e.izd. — M.: OOO "NPF "PLANETA", 2013 - 1060 p. |
5 | 2.Report of the Signaling, Centralization and Communications Department for 2020. |
6 | 3.Ametova E.K. Iron automatic and telemechanics system of dial group with arrow control microprocessor unit.// Dis. … can. tech science - T., 2020. scientific work. |
7 | 4.Rikhsiev D.Kh. Impulse-phase track receiver of railway automation and telemechanics systems.// Dis. … can. tech science - T., 2019. scientific work. |
8 | 5.Shakirova F.F. Integrated microelectronic pulse shaper for automation and telemechanics systems in railway transport.// Dis. … can. tech science - T., 2022. scientific work |