Transport logistika markazlari mamlakat transport xizmatlarini ichki va tashqi bozorda samarali tashkil etishda transport jarayonining muhum bo‘g‘inlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Ushbu ilmiy tadqiqot ishida transport logistika markazlarining joylashuv joyini tanlash muammosini yechishda ko‘p mezonli qaror qabul qilish usullaridan foydalanish darajasi yoritib berilgan. Tadqiqot ishini bajarish davomida dastlab mavzuga tegishli adabiyotlar tahlili amalga oshirilgan va ular asosida sohada qo‘llaniluvchi qaror qabul qilish mezonlari yoritib berilgan.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 26-06-2024
  • Read count 65
  • Date of publication 30-06-2024
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages25-31

Transport logistika markazlari mamlakat transport xizmatlarini ichki va tashqi bozorda samarali tashkil etishda transport jarayonining muhum bo‘g‘inlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Ushbu ilmiy tadqiqot ishida transport logistika markazlarining joylashuv joyini tanlash muammosini yechishda ko‘p mezonli qaror qabul qilish usullaridan foydalanish darajasi yoritib berilgan. Tadqiqot ishini bajarish davomida dastlab mavzuga tegishli adabiyotlar tahlili amalga oshirilgan va ular asosida sohada qo‘llaniluvchi qaror qabul qilish mezonlari yoritib berilgan.


Transport logistics centers are one of the important links of the transport process in the effective organization of the country's transport services in the domestic and foreign markets. In this scientific research, the level of use of multi-criteria decision-making methods in solving the problem of location selection of transport logistics centers is highlighted. During the research work, an analysis of the literature related to the topic was first carried out, and the decision-making criteria used in the field were clarified based on them.

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