Ushbu maqolada zamonaviy pedagog imijida gavdalanuvchi o‘qituvchi shaxsiga xos sifatlarini tadqiq qilishda pedagog va talabalar munosabatlari aks etgan. Mazkur holatni baholashda pedagogning shaxslilik sifatlarini baholashga e’tibor qaratilgan.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 15-09-2024
  • Read count 57
  • Date of publication 27-10-2023
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages6-9

Ushbu maqolada zamonaviy pedagog imijida gavdalanuvchi o‘qituvchi shaxsiga xos sifatlarini tadqiq qilishda pedagog va talabalar munosabatlari aks etgan. Mazkur holatni baholashda pedagogning shaxslilik sifatlarini baholashga e’tibor qaratilgan.


В данной статье отражены взаимоотношения педагогов и учащихся при исследовании качеств, присущих личности учителя, воплощенных в образе современного педагога. Оценка этой ситуации сосредоточена на оценке личностных качеств педагога.


This article reflects the relationship between the pedagogue and students in the research of the characteristics of the teacher embodied in the image of a modern pedagogue. In the assessment of this situation, attention is paid to the assessment of the personality qualities of the pedagogue.

Name of reference
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