Maqolada tog‘-kon sanoati, mis boyitish fabrikacida hosil bо‘luvchi dispers sistemalarni tashishda, dispers sistema konsentratsiyasi va oqim harakati ta’sirida gidrotransport tizimlarining yedirilishi, korroziyaga uchrashi, tez ishdan chiqishi, bosim yо‘qotilishi va energiya sarfining ortishi, texnik ta’mirlash harajatlarining ortishi kabi muammolar о‘rganilgan. Olib borilgan tadqiqodlar va laboratoriya sinov ishlari natijasida taklif etilayotgan kritik tezlikni aniqlash usullari orqali oqimning chо‘kish tezligi kamaydi. Natijada oqim tezligi oshib, oqimning turbulentlik darajasining samarali oshishi kuzatildi.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 27-01-2025
  • Read count 18
  • Date of publication 30-09-2024
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages183-186

Maqolada tog‘-kon sanoati, mis boyitish fabrikacida hosil bо‘luvchi dispers sistemalarni tashishda, dispers sistema konsentratsiyasi va oqim harakati ta’sirida gidrotransport tizimlarining yedirilishi, korroziyaga uchrashi, tez ishdan chiqishi, bosim yо‘qotilishi va energiya sarfining ortishi, texnik ta’mirlash harajatlarining ortishi kabi muammolar о‘rganilgan. Olib borilgan tadqiqodlar va laboratoriya sinov ishlari natijasida taklif etilayotgan kritik tezlikni aniqlash usullari orqali oqimning chо‘kish tezligi kamaydi. Natijada oqim tezligi oshib, oqimning turbulentlik darajasining samarali oshishi kuzatildi.


The article studies the problems of transportation of dispersed systems produced in the mining industry and copper enrichment plants, such as erosion, corrosion, rapid failure of hydrotransport systems under the influence of the concentration of the dispersed system and flow movement, pressure loss and increased energy consumption, and increased maintenance costs. As a result of the conducted studies and laboratory tests, the proposed methods for determining the critical velocity reduced the sedimentation rate of the flow. As a result, the flow velocity increased and the level of turbulence of the flow effectively increased.

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