Ushbu maqola avtomobillarning ma’lum texnik xususiyatlariga ega transport ishlarida avtomobilning fizik
ishini aniqlash uchun hisoblash usulini izlashga bag‘ishlangan. Odatdagidek, ishlab chiqaruvchi dvigatel,
transmissiya, shassi va umuman avtomobilning ishlashini taqdim etadi. Ushbu parametrlar standart sinov
joylarida avtomobilning fizik transport ishi va energiya samaradorligini, shuningdek, muayyan ish
sharoitlarini aniqlash uchun etarli. Maqolada elektron boshqaruv tizimiga ega bo‘lgan transport va
texnologik transport vositalarining dvigatelining validagi burovchi momentning qiymatini purkalayotgan
yonilg‘i miqdori bo‘yicha aniqlash tahlil qilindi. Dvigatel quvvatidan foydalanish koeffitsentlariniing
taqqosiy usullari, yo‘l parametrlarining purkalayotgan yonilg‘i miqdoriga tasiri va transport ishini aniqlash
usbulari tahlil qilindi. Dvigatelning ishlash jarayonining yoqilg‘i purkash parametrlarini elektron boshqaruv
bloki yordamida olingan qiymatlar asosida amalga oshiriladi.
Ushbu maqola avtomobillarning ma’lum texnik xususiyatlariga ega transport ishlarida avtomobilning fizik
ishini aniqlash uchun hisoblash usulini izlashga bag‘ishlangan. Odatdagidek, ishlab chiqaruvchi dvigatel,
transmissiya, shassi va umuman avtomobilning ishlashini taqdim etadi. Ushbu parametrlar standart sinov
joylarida avtomobilning fizik transport ishi va energiya samaradorligini, shuningdek, muayyan ish
sharoitlarini aniqlash uchun etarli. Maqolada elektron boshqaruv tizimiga ega bo‘lgan transport va
texnologik transport vositalarining dvigatelining validagi burovchi momentning qiymatini purkalayotgan
yonilg‘i miqdori bo‘yicha aniqlash tahlil qilindi. Dvigatel quvvatidan foydalanish koeffitsentlariniing
taqqosiy usullari, yo‘l parametrlarining purkalayotgan yonilg‘i miqdoriga tasiri va transport ishini aniqlash
usbulari tahlil qilindi. Dvigatelning ishlash jarayonining yoqilg‘i purkash parametrlarini elektron boshqaruv
bloki yordamida olingan qiymatlar asosida amalga oshiriladi.
This article is devoted to the search for a calculation method to determine the physical work of a car in transport
operations with certain technical characteristics of cars. As usual, the manufacturer provides the engine,
transmission, chassis and overall performance of the car. These parameters are sufficient to determine the
vehicle's physical transport performance and energy efficiency at standard test locations, as well as specific
operating conditions. The article analyzed the determination of the value of the torque on the shaft of the engine
of transport and technological vehicles with an electronic control system based on the amount of injected fuel.
Comparative methods of engine power utilization coefficients, the effect of road parameters on the amount of
injected fuel, and methods of determining transport work were analyzed. The fuel injection parameters of the
engine operation are carried out based on the values obtained using the electronic control unit.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Tukhtamishov S.S. | doctoral student | Тashkent State Transport University |
2 | Mukhitdinov A.A. | professor | Тashkent State Transport University |
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6 | Akmal Mukhitdinov, Umidbek Yusupov, Sobit Tukhtamishov, Quvondiq Urinbayev; Results of the study of the influence of an average longitudinal slope of routes on the life of tires in the quarry. AIP Conf. Proc. 11 March 2024; 3045 (1): 040041. |
7 | Akmal Mukhitdinov, Sobit Tuxtamishov, Calculation Method for Determining the Dependence of the Torque on the Engine Shaft on the Amount of Injected Fuel, ICTEA: International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 2024. |