• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 08-12-2019
  • Read count 551
  • Date of publication 22-11-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages55-56

The development of entomophauna in orchards and their correlation in forming has a great impact ,and it greatly infl uences to the number of phitofags.During our observations of entomophags orchard in agrobiocenosis indentifi ed 24 dominant sorts which belong to families. Moveover,researches of entomophags shov 24 dominant sorts which belong to 7 families. Besides that vwe have analysed the shave of entomophag varieties conctrning the entomophags

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xamdamov K.. ассистент ТошДАУ Андижон филиали
2 Boxodirov U.. ассистент ТошДАУ Андижон филиали
3 Raxmonova M.. к.х.ф.ф.д., катта ўқитувчи ТошДАУ Андижон филиали
4 Rasulov U.. ассистент ТошДАУ Андижон филиали
Name of reference
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2 2. Коладева Л.М. Определитель вредных и полезных насекомых и клещей плодовоягодны культур в Ленинграде. «Колос» 1984. С 32-33.
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4 4. Хамраев А.Ш., Насриддинов К. Ўсимликларни биологик ҳимоялаш. “Халқ мероси” нашриёти. Тошкент, 2003. 212 б.