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  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-12-2019
  • Read count 225
  • Date of publication 06-02-2017
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages
Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xodjaeva M.. ЗАКТ кафедраси мудири ЎзХИА
2 Pardaev S.. магистр TATU
Name of reference
1 1. Werner Pantke. An Historical Handwrittn Arabic Dataset for Segmentation-Free Word Spottng – HADARA0P. -September 2, 2014.; 2. Line Eikvil. Optical Character Recognition. December 1993.; 3. Ray Smith. Tesseract OCR Engine. What it is, where it came from, where it is going. Google Inc OSCON 2007.; 4. Werner Pantke, Volker Margner, Daniel Fecker, Tim Fingscheidt, Abedelkadir Asi, Ofer Biller, Jihad El-Sana, Muhammad Yahyo.-HADAR – A Softare System for Semi-Automatic Processing of Historical Handwrittn Arabic Documents; 5. Прэтт У. Цифровая обработка изображений. М., 1982.; 6. Содиков С.С., Маликов М.Н. Тасвирларга сонли ишлов бериш асослари. Т.,1994.; 7. Sameh Touj, Najoua Ben Amara, Hamid Amiri. Arabic Handwrittn Words Recognition Based on a Planar Hidden Markov Model. Th International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol.2, No. 4, October 2005.; 8. Java dasturlash tili yordamida tasvirlarga raqamli ishlov berish usullarini ishlab chiqish. BBI, TIU, Toshkent, 2015.