• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-12-2019
  • Read count 193
  • Date of publication 06-02-2017
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages
Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ernazarov O..
Name of reference
1 1. Anis B. Th emergence of Islam and the status of Muslim minority in Japan // Journal of Muslim Minority Affirs, 18(2) 1998.; 2. Goto A. An aspect of Arab society of the early seventh century // Orient, 12(1) 1976.; 3. Hiroshi Kato. Islam and Development // Technology and Development, No. 16 2003.; 4. Hannabuss S. Encyclopedias about Muslim // Civilizations.Reference Reviews, 24 (7) 2010.; 5. Muhammad Arif Mateen, Shere Ali. New trends in Japanese scholarship on Islam // Ma’arif Research Journal, July-December, 2015.; 6. Penn M. Public Faces and Private Spaces: Islam in the Japanese Context // Asia Policy, 5(1) 2008.