Мақолада миссионерликнинг тарихи, унинг ғоявий-ақидавий асослари ва замонавий кўринишлари
ҳақида фикр юритилган. Тадқиқотнинг мақсади мазкур фаолият билан шуғулланаётган марказлар
ва ташкилотларнинг ғаразли мақсадлари, улар томонидан қўлланилаётган услуб ва воситаларни
кенг қамровли маълумотлар ва мисоллар асосида ёритиб бериш.Шу билан бирга мақолада миссио-
нерлик ҳаракатларини олдини олишнинг ҳуқуқий асослари, жамиятда барқарорлик ва тараққиётни
таъминлашда диний маърифат ва бағрикенглик маданиятининг ўрни ва аҳамияти очиб берилган.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-12-2019
  • Read count 755
  • Date of publication 18-09-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages19-25

Мақолада миссионерликнинг тарихи, унинг ғоявий-ақидавий асослари ва замонавий кўринишлари
ҳақида фикр юритилган. Тадқиқотнинг мақсади мазкур фаолият билан шуғулланаётган марказлар
ва ташкилотларнинг ғаразли мақсадлари, улар томонидан қўлланилаётган услуб ва воситаларни
кенг қамровли маълумотлар ва мисоллар асосида ёритиб бериш.Шу билан бирга мақолада миссио-
нерлик ҳаракатларини олдини олишнинг ҳуқуқий асослари, жамиятда барқарорлик ва тараққиётни
таъминлашда диний маърифат ва бағрикенглик маданиятининг ўрни ва аҳамияти очиб берилган.


В статье анализируются история миссионерской деятельности, ее идеологические основы и
современные разновидности. Целью исследования является раскрытие обширной информации о
целях, используемых методах и средствах центров и организаций, занимающихся этим видом дея-
тельности. Также разъясняются правовые основы предотвращения миссионерских движений, роль
и значение религиозного просвещения и толерантности в обеспечении стабильности и процвета-
ния общества.


We know that each period has its own characteristics, principles of development and the XXI century is the century of the peak of cultural, spiritual, scientific, technical integration. Along side with this, we are facing certain difficulties and unsolved tasks in these areas, and this has its objective, subjective reasons.

It should be noted that today it has become mandatory to be on the alert to possible threats, the separation of true religious values from fake and directly scientifically justify the educational and religious culture and world outlook of human being from the philosophical point of view.

Based on this, the relevance of this topic is displayed in the following scientific, theoretical and practical features.

Firstly, the most dangerous social and ideological problem is religious and ideological, particularly, the problems of missionary work, proselytism, conducting research in order to find a perfect solution to this problem is an urgent requirement of our time.

Secondly, the main task of the policy of our state is to ensure peace and security of the country. In the framework of socio-philosophical research its essential to disclose selfish goals, methods and means of centers and organizations engaged in missionary activities on the basis of extensive information and examples.

Thirdly, at a time when various religious extremist groups seek to involve the ranks of people with weak will, ensuring stability and security plays an important role in the social, economic development of our society, maintaining geographical and political balance, strengthening peace and tranquility of all peoples and protecting our people from missionary activities, proselytism and convening to be careful is an important task;

Fourthly, the concepts "motherland”, “nation”, "religion" are sacred and one cannot be indifferent to them. It is known that religion is a force that systematizes the social, ideological, cultural life of people calling for good and good deeds, humanity always needs religion;

Fifthly, the main feature of the state in the relation with religion is the independence of religion from politics. Despite this, each religion first of all embodies the ideological-educational feature, legal, political, philosophical aspects of compliance with the principle of interaction with religion in the development of society, modernity, religious generosity of Uzbekistan meets the requirements of the time to strive to educate the ideal person;

Sixthly, in our country holds numerous reforms in this area the attitude to religion, changed has radically. The law on "free will and religious organizations"was adopted. This law includes the tasks of tolerance, today some people use this law incorrectly, for selfish purposes. They not developed the trait of patience and perseverance in front of difficulties of life and therefore they are not aware of this fall into various religious trends and sects. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a system for monitoring the compliance of objective and subjective factors, the compliance of the use of religious purposes with the requirements of the time. Friendly coexistence with the representatives of all nationalities in our Republic, respect for the values of each of them - provides peace and tranquility of our nation.

Seventhly, today, the importance of religious values ​​is growing, and it is very important that young people be told that morality is higher than vandalism, the development of means for developing independent opinion and ideological immunity against fundamentalism, religious extremism, terrorism and other inhuman ideas.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Oblomuradova X.N. katta o'qituvchi Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti
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