В статье представлен фрагмент описания функционально-семантического поля глаголов современного русского языка, выражающих понятие «повторяемость действия». В грамматической системе русского глагола категория вида занимает центральное положение. Изложены результаты, полученные при новом подходе к рассмотрению семантического содержания вида – функциональном. Предметом изучения стали глаголы, образующие в современном русском языке лексико-семантическую группу, выражающую понятие «повторяемость действия».


  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system10-12-2019
  • Read count346
  • Date of publication17-09-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages86-92

В статье представлен фрагмент описания функционально-семантического поля глаголов современного русского языка, выражающих понятие «повторяемость действия». В грамматической системе русского глагола категория вида занимает центральное положение. Изложены результаты, полученные при новом подходе к рассмотрению семантического содержания вида – функциональном. Предметом изучения стали глаголы, образующие в современном русском языке лексико-семантическую группу, выражающую понятие «повторяемость действия».



Мақолада ҳозирги рус тилидаги “ҳаракатлар такрори” тушунчасини билдирувчи феълларнинг функционал-семантик майдони тавсифининг бир парчаси тақдим этилган. Рус тили грамматик системасида “вид” категорияси марказий ўрин тутади. Мақолада “вид” семантик-функционал мазмунини янгича – функционал ёндашув асосида ўрганиш натижалари тақдим қилинган. Ушбу феъл категориясининг моҳияти ёритилиб, “вид” категорияси бўйича турли маънолари фарқланади. Тадқиқот объекти сифатида феъл семантикаси танланган.



The article presents a fragment of the description of the functional-semantic field of the verbs of modern Russian language, expressing the concept of “repeatability of action”. The relevance of the research is determined by the postulate that the main task of the science of language is the study about language signs, and the task of linguistic semantics is the study of knowledge of these signs, and these signified should be distinguished at all important levels of language: lexical, morphological, syntactic.In the grammatical system of the Russian verb, the category of the species occupies a central position. The complexity and diversity of this category with its extensive and intensive development, led to the creation of a separate branch of Russian-aspectology. Despite a long tradition and a high degree of knowledge on aspectology, some of its issues are still remaining debatable and writing their solution in modern science. The article presents the results obtained with a new promising approach to the consideration of the semantic content of the form - functional.

Verb semantics was chosen as the object of study, The subject of the study was the verbs expressing the notion of “repeatability” in the modern Russian language. In the semantics of reiterative verbs, this meaning is associated both with the system of verbs and modes of action. Covering a number of methods of action, it is in the space of lexical semantics. Being a constitutive sign of an imperfect species for all verbs expressing this meaning, the reiteration of an action lies in the space of grammatical semantics. In their work, the authors were guided by leading methodological concepts of modern linguistics in understanding the nature of language, language sign, grammatical and lexical meaning. The aim of the authors of the study was an attempt to understand the coherent nature of the conceptual and grammatical category of multiple, to reveal its place in the semantics of the Russian language. The main tasks in the development of the problem were the following:

1. Selection of the centre of the functional-semantic field of “repeatability of action”;

2. Description of the structure of the site vocabulary;

3. Determination of the relevance of the semantic factor of “repeatability of action” in the formation of the grammatical meaning of the imperfect type of verbs and their lexical meanings.

Consideration of the repetitiveness of actions in the functional aspect can be fruitful in the further development of fundamental theoretical problems associated with general semantics. The results of the analysis presented in the article can be useful and used for educational purposes and in the creation of linguodidactic technologies.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Karashuk V.A. dotsent Andijon davlat universiteti
2 Saakyan D.A. magistrant Andijon davlat universiteti
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