In the article is showed growing of soybean in meadow marshland,using mineral fertilizers and sulfur for development, forming of grain and high yield . The yield is increased till 6.2 centers using mineral fertilizers, 5.0 centers using sulfur and 11.2-18.4 centers using both fertilizers and sulfur.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 11-12-2019
  • Read count 445
  • Date of publication 23-07-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages36-37

In the article is showed growing of soybean in meadow marshland,using mineral fertilizers and sulfur for development, forming of grain and high yield . The yield is increased till 6.2 centers using mineral fertilizers, 5.0 centers using sulfur and 11.2-18.4 centers using both fertilizers and sulfur.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sattarov M.. директор, қ.х.ф.н., катта илмий ходим Ўзбекистон Шоличилик ИТИ
2 Atabayeva X.N. профессор ТошДАУ
Name of reference
1 1. Атабаева Х.Н., Исраилов И.А., Умарова Н.С. СОЯ — морфология, биология, етиштириш технологияси. Т. ТошГАУ, 2011.
2 2. www.aggrodialo.c0m.ua.soya-udobreniya htmh-соя-микроудобрения