• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 11-12-2019
  • Read count 448
  • Date of publication 23-07-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages48-49

Cultivating remontant  varieties of raspberries is rarely different from normal varieties, but there are some features that are important for good harvesting. It is capable of yielding twice a year, for this is necessary to adhere to some agricultural regulations. We will talk about this in this article.

Name of reference
1 1. Мирзаев М.М., Собиров М.Қ. “Боғдорчилик”. Тошкент,: “Меҳнат”, 1987.
2 2. Абдуллаев Р,М., Ягудина С.И. “Томорқаларда етиштириладиган резавор мевалар”. Тошкент,: “Меҳнат”, 1989. - Б. 71-80.
3 3. Ягудина С.И. “Ягодные культуры”. Ташкент,: “Узбекистан” 1966.
4 4. Спиваковский Н.Д. “Удобрение плодовых и ягодных культур”. Москва: Изд-во с.х. литературы, 1962.