• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 12-12-2019
  • Read count 778
  • Date of publication 23-07-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages104

Wheat is wintering when the daily temperature is 5 ° C. The sowing time is determined by the date at which the temperature is. It is cultivated 35-40 days before the 5oS observable date, so that the wheat is full at the time of wintering

Name of reference
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3 3. Атабаева Х.Н., Азизов Б.М. Буғдой. Тошкент, ТошДАУ, 2008, 168 б.
4 4. Аманов А., Зиядуллаев З., Туфлиев Н. ва б. Лойиҳа ҳудудларида кузги бошоқли дон экинларини етиштиришда агротехник тадбирларни ўз вақтида ўтказиш. Қарши, 2013 й. “ADA Servis Navoiy” МЧЖ босмахонасида чоп этилган, 24 бет.