Мақолада айрим ферроценилбензой кислоталар, уларнинг калийли тузлари синтези ва ғўзанинг ўсишига биостимуляторлик таъсирини ўрганиш бўйича олинган натижалар баён қилинган. Моддаларнинг индивидуаллиги элементар анализ, потенциометрик титрлаш ва масс-спектрометрия методлари ёрдамида исботланган. Олинган кислоталар калийли тузларининг сувдаги 0,01-0,001 % ли эритмалари чигитни унувчанлигига, ғўзанинг ўсишига, ҳосил шохлари ва элементларининг ривожланишига ҳамда пахта ҳосилдорлигининг ортишига самарали таъсир этиши синов-тажрибаларида аниқланган.


  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 13-12-2019
  • Read count 727
  • Date of publication 09-09-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages22-30

Мақолада айрим ферроценилбензой кислоталар, уларнинг калийли тузлари синтези ва ғўзанинг ўсишига биостимуляторлик таъсирини ўрганиш бўйича олинган натижалар баён қилинган. Моддаларнинг индивидуаллиги элементар анализ, потенциометрик титрлаш ва масс-спектрометрия методлари ёрдамида исботланган. Олинган кислоталар калийли тузларининг сувдаги 0,01-0,001 % ли эритмалари чигитни унувчанлигига, ғўзанинг ўсишига, ҳосил шохлари ва элементларининг ривожланишига ҳамда пахта ҳосилдорлигининг ортишига самарали таъсир этиши синов-тажрибаларида аниқланган.



В статье изложены полученные результаты по синтезуи изучению биостимулирующего влияния на развитие хлопчатника некоторых ферроценилбензойных кислот и их калиевых солей. Индивидуальность веществ доказана методами элементного анализа, потенциометрического титрования и масс-спектрометрии. На основании испытателных экспериментов установлено, что 0,01-0,001 %-ные водные растворы калиевых солей полученных кислот эффектвно влияет на всхожесть семян, рост растения, плодовых элементов и увеличения урожайности хлопчатника.



The article presents the results obtained on the synthesis and study of the biostimulating effect of some ferrocenylbenzoic acids and their potassium salts on the development of cotton. The individuality of substances is proved by the methods of elemental analysis, potentiometric titration and mass spectrometry. On the basis of test experiments, it was found that 0.01-0.001% aqueous solutions of potassium salts of the obtained acids effectively affects the germination of seeds, the growth of plants, fruit elements and the increase in cotton yield.

Ferrocenylbenzoic acids are obtained by diazotization in the acidic medium of the corresponding amino acids with nitrous acid and the subsequent action of ferrocene. The iron content in the synthesized substances was determined by the atom-absorption spectrophotometer brand "AURORA TRACE AI1200". The molar masses of the equivalent of the synthesized acids were determined by acid-base titration in methanol on an automatic titrator “Mettler Toledo Easy pH”. Mass spectrometry studies of compounds were carried out using a Perkin Elmer FIRSING AxION 2 TOF mass spectrometer.

To obtain salts of ferrocenylbenzoic acids with alkaline earth metals, solutions of acids in methanol are titrated to an equivalent point with a solution of potassium hydroxide, followed by evaporation of the solvent at a temperature of 25-30 °C.

Laboratory tests 0,1; 0,01 and 0,001% aqueous solutions of synthesized potassium salts of ferrocenylbenzoic acids of composition C5H5FeC5H4(m-C6H4COOK), C5H5FeC5H4(n-C6H4COOK) and Fe(n-C5H4C6H4COOK)2showed that all the drugs are much more higher seed germination of cotton than the control (distilled water) and standard (MAKSIT-1).

Field tests showed that spraying cotton in the pre-growing season with 0.01% aqueous solutions of the above preparations leads to an increase in plant growth by 2.8% compared with the control and by 1.4% relative to the standard. Growth rates of fruit branches are higher by 13.4% and 10.2%, respectively, and the number of fruit elements is more than 24.2% and 15.5%. The yield of cotton under the action of the test drug Fe(n-C5H4C6H4COOK)2 in 2017 and 2018 was 42.7 centners per hectare and 41.5 centners per hectare, which is higher than control levels of 5.7 and 5.6 centners per hectare. Comparing the standard by 2.5 and 3.2 c/ha, respectively. Studies show that the synthesized potassium salts of ferrocenylbenzoic acids are effective cotton biostimulants and can be recommended for use.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abdulloyev O.S. katta o'qituvchi Andijon davlat universiteti
Name of reference
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