Fenilasetilen bilan asetofenonning magniy organik birikmalar asosidagi reaksiyasi yordamida biologik faol aromatik asetilen spirti- 2,4-difenilbutin-3-ol-2 ni sintez qilish jarayoni tizimli ravishda tahlil qilingan

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  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 17-12-2019
  • Read count 350
  • Date of publication 28-02-2017
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages

Fenilasetilen bilan asetofenonning magniy organik birikmalar asosidagi reaksiyasi yordamida biologik faol aromatik asetilen spirti- 2,4-difenilbutin-3-ol-2 ni sintez qilish jarayoni tizimli ravishda tahlil qilingan


Взаимодействием фенилацетилена с ацетофенонов в присутствии магнийорганических соединений синтезированы биологическые активные ароматические ацетиленовые спирты: 2,4-дифенилбутин-3-ола-2


Phenylacetylene and acetonphenon of magnesium organic compounds based on the reaction of biologically active aromatic acetylene alcohol- 2,4-diphenylbutyn-3-ol-2 synthesis process is systematically analyzed

Author name position Name of organisation
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