Мақолада Бухоро-10 ғўза навининг вегетатив-генератив органларига турли муддат ва меъёрларда Зерокс иммуностимуляторининг қўлланилиши натижалари келтирилган. Ўтказилган тажриба асосида кўчат сони 80-90 минг туп/га бўлганида ва Зерокс иммуностимулятори вегетация даврида ғўза ер устки органларига 2л/г меъёрда 3 марта (2-4 чин барг, шоналаш ва гуллаш) суспензияланганда энг юқори сифатли (41,5 ц/га) ҳосил олинганлиги аниқланди.


  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 17-12-2019
  • Read count 633
  • Date of publication 17-12-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages30-37

Мақолада Бухоро-10 ғўза навининг вегетатив-генератив органларига турли муддат ва меъёрларда Зерокс иммуностимуляторининг қўлланилиши натижалари келтирилган. Ўтказилган тажриба асосида кўчат сони 80-90 минг туп/га бўлганида ва Зерокс иммуностимулятори вегетация даврида ғўза ер устки органларига 2л/г меъёрда 3 марта (2-4 чин барг, шоналаш ва гуллаш) суспензияланганда энг юқори сифатли (41,5 ц/га) ҳосил олинганлиги аниқланди.



В статье приведены данные о результатах применения и внедрения Зерокс в различных дозах и с различными сроками воздействия на вегетативные и генеративные органы хлопчатника сорта Бухара-10. На основе проведённых экспериментов было выявлено, что самым лучшим образцом оказался образец с применением Зерокс для обработки семян хлопчатника с дозой 2 л/т и 2 л/г для обработки побегов хлопчатника при густоте стояния 80-90 тысяч гектаров, в результате чего был получен урожай в среднем 41,5 ц/га.



With a population of 33 million in the country and their growing demand for food, low-cost, high-quality, environmentally friendly products and the use of highly effective growth regulators in plants, which improve disease resistance, pest control is one of the most important issues of today.

One of the three-dimensional, triple-action immunostimulants, “Zerox” is that bactericide, fungicide and growth regulation.

In saline soil-climatic conditions of Bukhara region, we propose that Zerox immunostimulants in the number of 3 seedlings (80-90; 100-110; 120-130 thousand seed/ha) in Bukhara-10 cotton varieties meet 3dozes (1-2-3l/t) and, using different periods, pre-sowing and plant growing. It consists of recommendation for practice and scientifically based physiological directions.

Objects of the study were the saline soils, Bukhara-10 varieties of cotton, 3 species seedlings and the use of immunnostimulant “Zerox” in three different standards and terms.

All field analytical and phenological observations in the study were based on “Field Experimental Methods” developed by UzCSRI “Guidelines for state testing of growth regulators” and Mathematical and statistical dispersion processing of the obtained data was calculated by the method of B.A. Dospehov.

Effect of SRICBSA Bukhara SRI Experimental Farm on 2018–2019 formation and development of vegetative and generative organs of cotton-laboratory and field use of different norms of contact Immunostimulant “Zerox” networks in soil-climatic conditions, Bukhara-10 cotton variety and comparative comparisons of control and control options Fitovak-200ml/t immunostimulant was used as benchmark and in the control variant-drinking water. The experimental area consisted of saline, medium-sized soil with a mechanical composition, and the underground groundwater was 2.0-2.5 meters.

The results of the two years' scientific results can be summarized in the conditions of saline, meadow-alluvial soils of the Bukhara region, leaving the number of seedlings of Bukhara-10 cotton with 80-90 thousand graft per hectare, and 2 liter/ton before planting to the cotton seed and vegetation period when applying “Zerox” to the upper bodies of cotton during phases of planting increased 13.7 cm at height, 1.7 piece of harvest, 6.3 piece of total yield and 4.2 piece of mature bushes at the end of vegetation rather than control. It was also found out that the rate of opening of the unripe cotton bells accelerated by 20.8%. In this year's difficult conditions, the growth period of cotton was 107 days. In the opening percent of unripe cotton bell was 74.8% in this version when in the 1stSeptember mode and the total yield (average 2 years) 41,5ts/hectare. One of the main reasons for the relatively high retention of yield elements in all variants of Zerox is that of systemic immunity in cotton under extreme conditions, due to the increased levels of phytoalexins, lignin, phenol and a number of other active compounds in the cotton.

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