• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 23-12-2019
  • Read count 1101
  • Date of publication 23-02-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages6-7

In the paper listed results of formation of fiber output among the F4-F6 generations of ecology-geographically remote cotton hybrids. It was determined that ecology-geographically remote hybridization is effective method in selecting progenies with high fiber output. The selected cotton progenies with high fiber output were recommended to genetic-breeding investigations.

Name of reference
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2 2. Симонгулян Н.Г. Генетика, селекция и семеноводства хлопчатника. Ташкент: Меҳнат, 1980.- 67 с.
3 3. Иксанов М., Ашуров М., Ғўзанинг ингичка толали навларида тола чиқимини ошириш селекцияси. //Ғўза генетикаси, селекцияси, уруғчилиги ва бедачилик тўплами. – Тошкент, 1995.- 76-79 Б.