In the last decade, many countries in the world have switched to no-till farming - to a minimum surface treatment at a depth of 5-7 cm and to cultivate crops without plowing, known as No-Till cultivation. However, these methods do not always give positive results without taking into account the soil-climatic and other conditions in different territories. In 2016-2017, we conducted field experiments on the cultivation of a hybrid of corn Korasuv - 350 MV per grain after winter wheat in the background of zero tillage in meadow soils of the Urta Chirchik district of the Tashkent region. It is identified, in spite of some decrease in maize yields in the background of zero tillage, in total the volume of production is higher to 25-30 % comparing to results of traditional methods.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Buriyev S.S. | Тупроқшунослик ва деҳқончилик кафедраси доценти, қ.х.ф.н. | ТИҚХММИ |
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