2010-2012, field experiments on the reaction of
different varieties of winter wheat on the accumulation of protein
in grain on the old-irrigated typical serozem were carried out.
It is known that plant varieties are derived from the genotypic
specificity of nutrition for all external factors, including mineral
fertilizers. Reacts in different ways and the protein is synthesized
and accumulates in the grain of winter wheat “Tanya” takes the first,
”Polovchaka” and “Hosildor” second and third.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 05-01-2020
  • Read count 315
  • Date of publication 10-02-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages40-42

2010-2012 годы выполнены полевые опыты по
изучению реакции разных сортов озимой пшеницы по накопле-
нию белка в зерне на староорошаемом типичном сероземе. Из-
вестно, что сорта растений из ходя из генотипической спец-
ифики питания на все внешние факторы в том числе и на ми-
неральные удобрения. Реагирует по-разному и белок синтези-
руется и накапливается в зерне сорт озимой пшеницы “Таня”
занимает первые, ”Половчанка” и “Хосилдор” второе и третей


2010-2012, field experiments on the reaction of
different varieties of winter wheat on the accumulation of protein
in grain on the old-irrigated typical serozem were carried out.
It is known that plant varieties are derived from the genotypic
specificity of nutrition for all external factors, including mineral
fertilizers. Reacts in different ways and the protein is synthesized
and accumulates in the grain of winter wheat “Tanya” takes the first,
”Polovchaka” and “Hosildor” second and third.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sattarov J..
2 Mahammadiyev S..
3 Roziqova K..
Name of reference
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