In the present paper the specify of food selection of the
mulberry pyralids by mulberry tree species has been investigated.
It has been revealed that this pest prefers to eat the least of
all mulberry tree species of black mulberry tree (Morus nigra),
intermediately – white mulberry tree (Morus alba) and Chinese
mulberry tree (Morus multicaulis) and the most – red mulberry tree
(Morus bombysis).
В работе исследована специфика выбора пищи
по видам шелковиц тутовой огневки. Выявленочто, данный
вид вредителя среди видов шелковиц меньше всего предпочи-
тает питаться черной шелковицей (Morus nigra), промежуточ-
но – белой шелковицей (Morus alba) и китайской шелковицей
(Morus multicaulis) и больше всего - красной шелковией (Morus
In the present paper the specify of food selection of the
mulberry pyralids by mulberry tree species has been investigated.
It has been revealed that this pest prefers to eat the least of
all mulberry tree species of black mulberry tree (Morus nigra),
intermediately – white mulberry tree (Morus alba) and Chinese
mulberry tree (Morus multicaulis) and the most – red mulberry tree
(Morus bombysis).
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Nosirova Z.. | ТошДАУ |
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