The article contains materials for analysis of literature
data on the spreading of malware and biological, especially the
development of a cherry fly, as well as the results of studies in
Tashkent region to study the method of determination and the
development of effective measures to combat it.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 08-01-2020
  • Read count 1545
  • Date of publication 20-12-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages22-24

В статье приведено материалы анализу лите-
ратурных данных по раскросбранение вредоносноти, биологи-
ческой, особенности развитие вишневая муха а также резуль-
таты исследований Ташкеннтской области по изучению мето-
ди определения и разработка эффктивных меры борьбы с ним.


The article contains materials for analysis of literature
data on the spreading of malware and biological, especially the
development of a cherry fly, as well as the results of studies in
Tashkent region to study the method of determination and the
development of effective measures to combat it.

Author name position Name of organisation
2 Xoldarov K.. ТошДАУ
Name of reference
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