• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 08-02-2020
  • Read count 170
  • Date of publication 02-02-2018
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages21-23

In the world the most effective method of combating fungal disease is the creation of immune varieties of wheat and putting them into production. The effectiveness of development and implementation of highly immune varieties will allow prevention of use of chemical agents against fungal disease, with that prevent environmental pollution.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abduazimov A.. ДДЭИТИ Қашқадарё филиали
Name of reference
1 1. Аманов А.А. “Селекция зерновых культур на устойчивость к основным болезням в условиях Средней Азии”. Док. диссертация. с-х наук. Л. 1992. - с. 32–34.
2 2. В.Е.Хохлачева, Б.А.Хасанов, А.В.Яшина, Л.А.Колмакова, А.У.Мавжудова. Желтая ржавчина и другие заболевания пшеницы в Узбекистане. “Ўзбекистонда буғдой селекцияси, уруғчилиги ва етиштириш технологияси” мавзусидаги илмий конференция материаллари тўплами. Тошкент, 2004 й.