The results of the application of the technology of isolation of water
inflows in the wells of the fields of the Mubarek Oil and Gas Production Department
are presented. The efficiency is assessed and the problems of the applied
technologies for isolation of water inflows are shown. The technical and economic
efficiency of the technology for isolating water inflows in wells with collapse of the
columns is shown. The flow rates of wells in the fields of the Mubarek oil and gas
production department are decreasing due to an increase in the water cut of the
produced product. At the same time, for many fields, the value of the current water
cut of the produced products is not commensurate with the achieved value of the
depletion of recoverable reserves and the oil recovery factor. To prevent premature
flooding of well production, perforation intervals are located at a certain distance from
the initial oil-water and gas-oil contacts. Wells are operated at maximum allowable
drawdowns in order to avoid the formation of water and gas cones. This approach to
selecting the perforation interval and justifying the drawdown has fully justified itself in
fields with a large oil-saturated thickness (Kokdumalak, Kruk, North Urtabulak).
However, it was not possible to avoid premature breakthrough of gas and water to
the bottom of the wells in fields with an effective oil-saturated thickness of less than
10 m, which is one of the main reasons for achieving low values of the oil recovery
factor and operation of the well stock.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 06-09-2022
  • Ўқишлар сони 77
  • Нашр санаси 30-06-2022
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони133-139

The results of the application of the technology of isolation of water
inflows in the wells of the fields of the Mubarek Oil and Gas Production Department
are presented. The efficiency is assessed and the problems of the applied
technologies for isolation of water inflows are shown. The technical and economic
efficiency of the technology for isolating water inflows in wells with collapse of the
columns is shown. The flow rates of wells in the fields of the Mubarek oil and gas
production department are decreasing due to an increase in the water cut of the
produced product. At the same time, for many fields, the value of the current water
cut of the produced products is not commensurate with the achieved value of the
depletion of recoverable reserves and the oil recovery factor. To prevent premature
flooding of well production, perforation intervals are located at a certain distance from
the initial oil-water and gas-oil contacts. Wells are operated at maximum allowable
drawdowns in order to avoid the formation of water and gas cones. This approach to
selecting the perforation interval and justifying the drawdown has fully justified itself in
fields with a large oil-saturated thickness (Kokdumalak, Kruk, North Urtabulak).
However, it was not possible to avoid premature breakthrough of gas and water to
the bottom of the wells in fields with an effective oil-saturated thickness of less than
10 m, which is one of the main reasons for achieving low values of the oil recovery
factor and operation of the well stock.

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