In this article, a multi-stage system analysis of a processing device
using IR to Cocoon through systems thinking was carried out, analysing the elements of
the hierarchical structure of the device and the processes that take place in each
element. The elements of the IR device go deep into the device from top to bottom, and
the input and output parameters are selected starting from the internal positions of the
device. If we consider the biochemical processes occurring in the material at the lower
levels of the hierarchy, the changes in the material to be processed, the heat and mass
transfer processes in the elements at the top of the hierarchy, the resulting changes, are
analysed by means of a multi-step structural analysis. Based on the results of the
system analysis, mathematical equations are generated for each process from the links
between input and output parameters from the lower stage to the upper stage, and on
their basis mathematical models are formed to determine the optimum process
conditions. On the basis of the mathematical models constructed, the optimum use of
the treatment device through IR to the stage is selected

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 06-09-2022
  • Ўқишлар сони 359
  • Нашр санаси 30-06-2022
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони281-287

In this article, a multi-stage system analysis of a processing device
using IR to Cocoon through systems thinking was carried out, analysing the elements of
the hierarchical structure of the device and the processes that take place in each
element. The elements of the IR device go deep into the device from top to bottom, and
the input and output parameters are selected starting from the internal positions of the
device. If we consider the biochemical processes occurring in the material at the lower
levels of the hierarchy, the changes in the material to be processed, the heat and mass
transfer processes in the elements at the top of the hierarchy, the resulting changes, are
analysed by means of a multi-step structural analysis. Based on the results of the
system analysis, mathematical equations are generated for each process from the links
between input and output parameters from the lower stage to the upper stage, and on
their basis mathematical models are formed to determine the optimum process
conditions. On the basis of the mathematical models constructed, the optimum use of
the treatment device through IR to the stage is selected

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