The article presents the results of processing space images using PCA,
ISODATA, K-Means and similar methods, as well as analysis based on GIS
technologies. As a result of automatic and visual interpretation of the obtained images,
intrusive complexes, linear and ring structures scattered throughout the Nurata region
were identified. In particular, the result obtained by X-ray diffraction analysis proved that
the composition of the 2R4G1B and 2R4G3B channels is one of the most effective
methods for separating the intrusive massifs distributed in the region. Given that
isolated intrusive massifs, linear and ring structures are directly related to gold mining
zones in the Nurata region, the results obtained can be assessed as a cosmological

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 06-09-2022
  • Количество прочтений 128
  • Дата публикации 30-06-2022
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы78-83

The article presents the results of processing space images using PCA,
ISODATA, K-Means and similar methods, as well as analysis based on GIS
technologies. As a result of automatic and visual interpretation of the obtained images,
intrusive complexes, linear and ring structures scattered throughout the Nurata region
were identified. In particular, the result obtained by X-ray diffraction analysis proved that
the composition of the 2R4G1B and 2R4G3B channels is one of the most effective
methods for separating the intrusive massifs distributed in the region. Given that
isolated intrusive massifs, linear and ring structures are directly related to gold mining
zones in the Nurata region, the results obtained can be assessed as a cosmological

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Almordonov A.R. teacher TSTU
2 Rabbimkulov S.. teacher TSTU
3 Tangirov A.I. teacher TSTU
4 ASADOV A.R. teacher University of geological sciences
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